Flutter is an open-source mobile application development SDK created by Google. It is used to develop applications for Android and iOS, as well as being the primary method of creating applications for Google Fuchsia, Flutter widgets incorporate all critical platform differences such as scrolling, navigation, icons and fonts to provide full native performance on both iOS and Android.
Grocery app can be used to make create applications faster to save your time, for user interface kit in android and ios devices, It contains have more than 50 Screens with a different type of UI.
Delivery Man app screen available for tracking order.
Grocery Features
- Clean code comments in all code
- Cleanly Design
- Using Animation Controller
- Responsive Design to any all device screen
- Easy to Custom layout
- Design with Flutter
- For Android & iOS
- Android 11 Ready
- iOS 14 Ready
- Light Mood
- Intro screen (4 screen)
- Separate File for Page & Component
- Sign in Screen
- Sign up Screen
- OTP verification Screen
- Forgot/Reset password Screen
- Splash Screen
- Home Screen
- Filter Screen
- Category Screen
- Search Screen
- Products details Screen
- Favourites item Screen
- Cart Screen
- Order screen
- Add new card Screen
- Add new address
- Checkout Screen
- Track Order Screen
- Profile Screen
- Edit Profile Screen
- Setting Screen
- Manage my order Screen
- Notifications Screen
- About us Screen
- Delivery man login Screen
- Order Status Screen
- Order History Screen
- Order details Screen
- Delivery Man Profile Screen
- Clean Code
- Ready to Integrate
- …Much More